Titolo della tesi
I diritti umani nelle culture politiche della sinistra italiana e francese (1975-1991)
prof. Gianluca Fiocco

Attività di ricerca
The aim of my doctoral research activity is to analyse the debate on human rights that took place in the communist and socialist parties in Italy and France between 1975 and 1991. The chronological frame of reference follows the evolution of the human rights debate as a whole, from the negotiations of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) to the end of the Cold War (1989-1991). Specifically, greater importance will be given to the study of the impact of fundamental freedoms, as bearers of autonomous practices and categories such as to influence the political cultures of the Italian and French left. In addition, the research will investigate the relationship between left-wing parties, human rights and instances of emancipation in the global South. The historical research methodology typical of histoire croisée will be adopted. The croiseé method presupposes a common ground, determined by a relationship of interdependence between the national and the international, which makes it possible to reconstruct relations, reciprocal conditioning, exchanges, and the circulation of ideas and analyses.
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