Titolo della tesi
Tra potere pubblico e società civile. Sull’eredità materiale del Mezzogiorno longobardo oggi
prof. Sandro Carocci

Attività di ricerca
The aim of my PhD research is to demonstrate the value of the material heritage of the Lombard southern Italy in the contemporary. Concerning to this, the maximum attempt consists of establishing a link between institutional – in the historical-political sense – and social issues, related to some buildings of Lombard foundation situated in Southern of Italy. As a result, the southern Lombard kingdom is divided into three distinct geographical areas, but connected together by their common Lombard identity; overall, these are three larger local contexts, consisting of Monte Sant’Angelo, Benevento, and Salerno, which include some buildings, respectively the Sanctuary of San Michele Arcangelo in Monte Sant’Angelo (a location on the Gargano), the monumental complex of Santa Sofia di Benevento – both inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List – and the Church of S. Massimo di Salerno, now deconsecrated. In a word, the conceptual core lies in the analysis carried out on seats and symbols of princely power in the Lombard Southern Italy, meant in a broader context to the society of the time, namely as an expression of a truly public power.
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